Life Is Infinite

Life Is Infinite
Neon sign, domestic linens, silhouette dog forms, spot lights
Central Phoenix, Arizona
I thought of how loss is casually ignored during the course of living in a bustling city, with all it’s lights, color, and commerce. Life is (in)finite was created as a visual pause, a small space to remember that something important is passing.
Metronome (Life is Infinite)
photo/video Jennifer Harris
Video projection, neon sign
Mesa Community College Gallery Mesa, Arizona
A video of ocean waves projected over illuminated neon sign. "LIFE IS INFINITE" is spelled out in warm white block letters. Installed in a room made of white sheets, with a waveform bench placed inside. Viewers at MCC Gallery could open the curtain and let themselves in. Upon settling the viewer could hear the clicking of trapped gases being ignited inside the glass tubing as a spark of electricity turned the neon sign on and off. It produced an audible click at regular intervals. Musicians use like devices to practice playing to a regular pulse. The experience of constant worry is like a regular pulse or a habit. It is very uncomfortable and hard to tolerate but I wanted to project it differently, as an ocean current.